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Friday the 17th September marks ‘i-Recognise’ day.

Cleaning & Hygiene Featured

Friday the 17th September marks ‘i-Recognise’ day.

Cleaning operatives around the world are at the forefront of making the world go round. Without cleaning operatives, hospitals wouldn’t be able to nurse patients back to health; Supermarkets would not be hygienic enough to display and sell our groceries; and our children wouldn’t be safe in schools without the risk of catching infections and viruses.

For this reason, we are dedicating a day of recognition to these unsung heroes who deliver, an invaluable and essential cleaning service across the globe to keep all environments clean and therefore safe.

i-Recognise Day is proud to be endorsed by BICSc (The British Institute of Cleaning Science). This chosen date has been selected as it falls alongside World Clean Up Day (Saturday 18th September) whereby everyone globally is encouraged to get involved to do their bit and clean up the environment all across the world.

This year i-Recognise is celebrating its 3rd year of global recognition. We are delighted to say a large number of international organisations are actively supporting i-Recognise. These include Vinci Facilities, ISS, Serco, Tersano, i-Team Global, Killis Ltd and many more!

To take part is simple!

On Friday 17th September we would like to encourage all businesses to actively promote this day of recognition by using #iRecognise2021 on social media, displaying posters and showing the i-Recognise banner on your website. These are downloadable free of charge from the i-Recognise website: www.i-recognise.com

There are a few products available on the i-Recognise website that can be purchased as a useful and thoughtful gift, from individual hand sanitisers to i-Recognise branded, sustainable water bottles. We are encouraging businesses to show their appreciation to their cleaning operatives with a token that is not only useful at work but in daily life.

By purchasing our i-Recognise sustainable water bottle, you are also supporting our chosen charity partner Made Blue, whose mission is to provide clean drinking water for developing countries. Find out more about the great work of Made Blue at www.i-recognise.com

For more information or to be listed on the supporter’s page please get in touch by emailing

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