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York Hotel to undergo a building deepclean – the UK’S First Coronavirus cases had stayed at the Hotel.

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York Hotel to undergo a building deepclean – the UK’S First Coronavirus cases had stayed at the Hotel.

Public Health England state the deadly Coronavirus is now present in Britain.
A York Hotel will undergo a building deepclean following the confirmation that the UK’S First Coronavirus cases had been staying at the Hotel.

The Man was with family members and had been staying at the Staycity aparthotel on Paragon Street, York when he fell ill.
The family understood to be a Chinese national, were taken by Paramedics to a local Hospital for tests and have since been transferred with two members from the same family from York to the Royal Victoria Hospital Newcastle.
A spokeswoman for the firm told said “Staycity Group can confirmed that a man, who is believed to be a Chinese national, and was staying at the group’s property in York was taken ill and is understood to be undergoing tests at a local hospital.
“Following advice from Public Health England we have been advised that the risk is absolutely minimal, The health and safety of our guests and staff are paramount and as such the apartment containing the group’s belongings has been sealed off, after which it will undergo a thorough environmental deep clean and disinfection, as is company policy.”
The man is suspected of being infected with coronavirus, the respiratory condition which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan. It has now spread across China, with over 10,000 confirmed cases and 160 deaths, and has been reported present in 15 other countries worldwide.
In an updated over the weekend, Sharon Stoltz, City of York Council’s director of health, said: “The risk to people in York remains very low.” Public Health England also advised it was making “good progress” tracking and contacting people who had come into close contact with the pair.

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